Of the
Of the
Terry, Montana
June 14, 2023
The Second Regular Meeting of the members of the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2 at Terry, Prairie County, Montana, was held on the Fourteenth day of June, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.
There were present and
participating at the meeting:
Lance Kalfell
Jackson Dion
Also present and participating were: Tim Kortum, Secretary, and Jessica Schott, Treasurer.
President Barry Rakes called the meeting to order at 6:55 p.m., stating that all necessary and advisable business be conducted during this time and that notice had been received by each Board Member.
Thereupon, President Barry Rakes announced that legal notice had been given and a quorum was present so that the meeting was legally and lawfully ready to transact business.
The Minutes and Resolution from the May 10, 2023, Board Meeting were approved without corrections and, or additions, on a motion made by Lance Kalfell seconded by Jackson Dion. All in Favor. Motion Carried.
Jessica Schott presented current budget figures which included payroll and expenditures through June to all Board members for their review. A list of invoices to be paid was submitted and forms for the Prairie County Treasurer to transfer funds in the amount of $85,808.74, to cover payroll and invoices were signed. June 15th estimated payroll: $16,134.36, June invoices $50,944.47, June 30th estimated payroll: $18,729.91. Investment transfer was signed to invest the remaining monthly District No. 2 cash balances in the amount of $527,002.21 with the Prairie County Pool. Warrant numbers from May 12, 2023, to June 15, 2023 range from 27649-27712.
The treasurer's report was approved at 7:14 p.m. on a motion by Jackson Dion, seconded by Lance Kalfell. All in Favor. Motion Carried.
Jessica Schott then presented the
audit report from the fiscal year 2022 audit performed by Strom &
Associates, P.C., and stated they reported two findings. The first deficiency was written for Posting
in a Prior Period, which resulted from an adjusted entry from fiscal year 2021
showing assessments due from Custer County needing to be reversed in 2022 in
order to balance the accounts. However,
instead of reversing the entry in fiscal year 2022, Ms. Schott reversed it back
to fiscal year 2021 by mistake. The
other deficiency was for Auditor Prepared Financial Statements, due to Ms.
Schott not having entries for capital asset depreciation made for fiscal year
2022 completed prior to the audit beginning.
The final report will be forwarded by Strom & Associates when it has
been completed.
Jessica Schott provided an update
regarding the pursuit of new insurance coverage to replace the property,
liability, and commercial auto package that will be non-renewed by MACo at its’
expiration date of June 30th.
Ms. Schott reported that she had not yet received any definite quotes
for coverage to-date, despite having contacted multiple insurance
agencies. After discussing the issue and
multiple options at length, the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2 Board
concluded that a special meeting would be called prior to the MACo policy’s
expiration date of June 30, 2023, to allow more time for insurance quotes to be
received and allow the District No. 2 board time to review all available
Jessica Schott then stated to the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2 Board that the 2023 Employee Dental policy through SunLife Financial had again been provided a rate pass, and there would be no change in premium for the 2023-2024 policy period, beginning July 1, 2023. Ms. Schott reported to the board that she had received a secondary quote for this policy from Principal Dental, which offered a savings of $6.36/month for the proposed policy period. After some discussion, the District No. 2 Board determined that the employee dental coverage should stay with SunLife Financial for the 2023-2024 policy period.
Tim Kortum informed the members of the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2 Board that he had been contacted by the engineering firm working with the Terry Airport Authority on plans for their wildlife fence. He received proposals for moving the Terry canal to accommodate the proposed new fence perimeter, and advised he had forwarded these to Chris Gomer, the Bureau of Reclamation representative in Billings, for review. Mr. Kortum advised the Mr. Gomer’s response regarding the Bureau’s opinion will be reported to the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2 Board when it is received.
Brock Tibbetts joined the meeting at 7:55 p.m.
Mr. Kortum then advised all present that Phase I of the Lateral 1.6 Pipeline project was finished except for final cleanup, and that water was on at all Divisions. Mr. Kortum also reported to the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2 Board that Josh had gone into the Williams Creek syphon in Shirley Division that had been a previous source for minor concern, and found that there were no obstructions in the syphon to cause any flow issue.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:02
p.m. on a motion by Jackson Dion, seconded by Lance Kalfell. All in Favor.
Motion Carried.
________________________________ ____________________________________
Tim Kortum,
Secretary Barry Rakes, President