Of the
Of the
Terry, Montana
April 12, 2017
The Twelfth Regular Meeting of the members of the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2 at Terry, Prairie County, Montana, was held on the twelfth day of April, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.
There were present and participating at the meeting:
Barry Rakes
Lance Kalfell
Scott Sackman
Also present and participating were: Tim Kortum, Manager, and Pat Davis, Treasurer.
President Barry Rakes called the meeting to order, stating that all necessary and advisable business be conducted during this time and that notice had been received by each Board Member.
Thereupon, President Barry Rakes announced that legal notice had been given and a quorum was present so that the meeting was legally and lawfully ready to transact business.
The Minutes and Resolutions from the March 08, 2017 Board Meetings were approved without corrections and, or additions, by Lance Kalfell seconded by Barry Rakes.
All in Favor. Motion Carried
Pat Davis presented current budget figures which included payroll and expenditures for April to all Board members for their review. A list of invoices to be paid was submitted and forms for the Prairie County Treasurer to transfer funds in the amount of $39,379.78, to cover payroll and invoices were signed. April 15th estimated payroll: $11,778.88; April estimated invoices $15,822.02; April 30th estimated payroll: $11,778.88. An additional transfer of funds from District 2 Equipment & Emergency Reserve Account into District 2 Cash O & M in the amount of $152.14 for the refund of overpayment of water overage from B B & H Ranch-Travis & Tamara Choat. Investment transfer was also signed to invest the remaining monthly District No. 2 cash balances in the amount of $410,591.00 with Prairie County Pool. Warrant numbers from March 10, 2017 to April 18, 2017 range from 23844 to 23876. On a motion made by Lance Kalfell and seconded by Scott Sackman the treasurer’s report was approved. All in Favor. Motion Carried.
Mr. Tim Kortum reported to the Board that K & S Electric is almost done with the work on the Fallon pumping plants and the installation of the VFD at the Fallon Relift. They anticipate that all work would be completed within a week's time.
Tim notified the members of the Board pumps are in at the Terry and Shirley Pumping plants. Bill Tusler has been working on cleaning and reshaping canals, along with cleaning drains that were in need of maintenance. The ditch burning crew has been working in the Terry and Shirley Division, and will start on the Fallon Division this Friday.
Tim spoke with the Board about a sluffed area of canal in Shirley that he thought needed additional reinforcement to prevent any future canal breaks or washout of the syphon that is located within the problem area. He stated to the Board that he had ordered a canal lining fabric that they will place in the canal next to the syphon so that it does not wash out in that area and cause an even larger problem in the future.
Tim reported to the District No. 2 Board that they have sold the one-ton pickup that was advertised, and has purchased a replacement one-ton pickup at Property & Supply Bureau. He also informed the Board that he purchased a 2007 Polaris Ranger for spraying along the canal.
Mr. Kortum informed the District No. 2 members that David Larsen will dive to hook up the lube line at the Shirley Pumping Plant that was dislodged due to ice again this year. The line will be replaced next year to alleviate the problem in the future.
The meeting was adjourned on a motion by Scott Sakcman, seconded by Lance Kalfell. All in Favor. Motion Carried.
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Tim Kortum, Secretary Barry Rakes, President
MINUTES Of the MEETING OF THE COMMISSIONERS Of the BUFFALO RAPIDS IRRIGATION DISTRICT NO. 2 Terry, Montana September 13, 2023 The Fifth Regular Meeting of the members of the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2 at Terry, Prairie County, Montana, was held on the Thirteenth day of September, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. There were present and participating at the meeting: Barry Rakes Lance Kalfell Jackson Dion Also present and participating were: Tim Kortum, Secretary, Jessica Schott, Treasurer, as well as Jack Huber and Elton Stickel of Fallon Sewer District. President Barry Rakes called the meeting to order at 6:55 p.m., stating that all necessary and advisable business be conducted during this time and that notice had been received by each Board Member. ...