Of the
Of the
Terry, Montana
November 9, 2022
The Fifth Regular Meeting of the members of the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2 at Terry, Prairie County, Montana, was held on the Ninth day of November, 2022 at 1:30 p.m.
There were present and participating at the meeting:
Barry Rakes
Lance Kalfell
Jackson Dion
Also present and participating were: Tim Kortum, Secretary, and Jessica Schott, Treasurer.
President Barry Rakes called the meeting to order, stating that all necessary and advisable business be conducted during this time and that notice had been received by each Board Member.
Thereupon, President Barry Rakes announced that legal notice had been given and a quorum was present so that the meeting was legally and lawfully ready to transact business.
The Minutes and Resolutions from the October 13, 2022, Board Meeting, were approved without corrections and, or additions, by Jackson Dion seconded by Lance Klfell. All in Favor. Motion Carried.
Jessica Schott presented current budget figures which included payroll and expenditures through October to all Board members for their review. A list of invoices to be paid was submitted and forms for the Prairie County Treasurer to transfer funds in the amount of $51,903.81, to cover payroll and invoices were signed. November 15th estimated payroll: $18,399.25, November estimated invoices $14,814.66, November 30th estimated payroll: $18,689.90. Investment transfer was signed to invest the remaining monthly District No. 2 cash balances in the amount of $371,268.65 with the Prairie County Pool. Warrant numbers from October 15, 2022, to November 10, 2022 range from 27305-27343.
The transfer authorization was approved on a motion Lance Kalfell, seconded by Jackson Dion. All in Favor. Motion Carried. The treasurer's report was approved on a motion by Jackson Dion, seconded by Lance Kalfell. All in Favor. Motion Carried.
Tim Kortum reported to the District No. 2 Board that he is in the process of obtaining bids for the bore required at the railroad crossing for the pipeline project. He stated that BNSF requires a permit application be submitted and approved prior to that portion of the construction beginning, and that the application would be submitted after receiving updated design drawings from Performance Engineering.
Mr. Kortum informed the Board that Josh Hadley’s ditchrider pickup has been having transmission issues, and that an estimate of $3,300.00 was received from Dan’s Welding and Repair to replace the transmission. Mr. Kortum stated they would look into replacing the pickup with a used one from Federal Surplus, or having employees replace the transmission with a used one in-house to determine the most cost-effective option.
Tim Kortum reported to the District No. 2 Board that all pumps have been pulled for the season, and that the #2 pump from the Shirley division will need extensive repairs over the winter. He also stated he would be sending a few employees to remove the tubes from the Fallon Surge Tower to identify and repair the leaks that were causing issues this season.
Mr. Kortum stated that the Magnum Hydraulic Hammer purchased from RDO last month started having some operational issues, and was being taken back to Billings for diagnostics on November 10th. The sales representative from RDO has been in contact with Jessica Schott and agreed to not process the check mailed to them for the purchase of this equipment until the equipment issue was diagnosed and an agreement for refund/repairs was reached.
The District No. 2 Board had a discussion regarding upcoming needs for the District, and determined they would contact Scott Aspenlieder with Performance Engineering to look into grant funding to complete GPS mapping of the divisions in order to identify and mark pump-out locations, as well as digitizing Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2 documents, such as plats, blueprints, and original organizational documents.
The Board discussed the proposed Managers contract for Mr. Timothy Kortum. Mr. Kortum stated that he would like extra time to review the contract terms, and would present it at the next Board Meeting in December. The Board agreed to table the proposed Managers contract until the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting.
There was also a brief discussion regarding the upcoming annual Employee Christmas Party. Jessica Schott will notify and invite the members of the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2 Board when a date is set.
The meeting was adjourned on a
motion by Lance, seconded by Jackson Dion. All in Favor.
Motion Carried.
________________________________ ____________________________________
Tim Kortum,
Secretary Barry Rakes, President