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May 11, 2016 District No. 2 Meeting Minutes

MINUTES Of the MEETING OF THE COMMISSIONERS Of the BUFFALO RAPIDS IRRIGATION DISTRICT NO. 2 Terry, Montana MAY 11, 2016 Before the meeting could be called to order, the following nominations, elections and appointments needed to be made: The meeting was then turned over to Scott Sackman who declared nominations open for President of the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2. Barry Rakes was nominated by Lance Kalfell. Lance Kalfell made a motion, seconded by Scott Sackman, that all nominations cease, and a unanimous ballot be cast for Barry Rakes. A unanimous ballot was cast for Barry Rakes, and it was, RESOLVED, that Barry Rakes be and he hereby is elected and appointed to the position of President of the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2, to hold office until the twelfth regular meeting to be held in May of 2017 and/or until his successor is elected and qualified. Nominations were open for Vice President of the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2 with Scott Sackman being nominated by Lance Kalfell. Lance Kalfell made a motion, seconded by Barry Rakes, that all nominations cease, and a unanimous ballot be cast for Scott Sackman. A unanimous ballot was cast for Scott Sackman, and it was, RESOLVED, that Scott Sackman be and he is hereby elected to the position of Vice President of the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2, to hold office until the twelfth regular meeting to be held in May of 2017 and/or until his successor is elected and qualified. Nominations were open for Secretary of the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2 with Tim Kortum being nominated by Scott Sackman. Scott Sackman made a motion, seconded by Lance Kalfell, that all nominations cease, and a unanimous ballot be cast for Tim Kortum. A unanimous ballot was cast for Tim Kortum, and it was, RESOLVED, that Tim Kortum be and he is hereby elected to the position of Secretary of the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2, to hold office until the twelfth regular meeting to be held in May of 2017 and/or until his successor is elected and qualified. Mr. Kortum accepts his position. Nominations were open for Treasurer of the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No.2 with Pat Davis being nominated by Lance Kalfell. Lance Kalfell made a motion, seconded by Barry Rakes, that all nominations cease, and a unanimous ballot be cast for Pat Davis. A unanimous ballot was cast for Pat Davis, and it was, RESOLVED, that Pat Davis be and she is hereby elected to the position of Treasurer of the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2, to hold office until the twelfth regular meeting to be held in May of 2017 and/or until her successor is elected and qualified. Mrs. Davis accepts her position. Nominations and appointments were open for Commissioner of Fallon Division of the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No.2 with Barry Rakes being nominated and appointed by Scott Sackman. Scott Sackman made a motion that all nominations cease, seconded by Lance Kalfell, and a unanimous ballot be cast for Barry Rakes. Mr. Barry Rake’s commission was uncontested by any other opponent for the three year term. A unanimous ballot was cast for Barry Rakes, and it was, RESOLVED, that Barry Rakes be and he is hereby elected and appointed to the position of Commissioner of Fallon Division of the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2, to hold office until the twelfth regular meeting to be held in May of 2017 and/or until his successor is elected and qualified. Barry Rakes holds the title as Commissioner of Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2, Fallon division. All nominations being made and accepted, the First Regular Meeting of the Members of the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No.2, at Terry, Prairie County, Montana, was held on the eleventh day of May, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. There were present and participating at the meeting: Barry Rakes Scott Sackman Lance Kalfell Also present and participating were: Tim Kortum, Secretary; Pat Davis, Treasurer. President Barry Rakes called the meeting to order, stating that all necessary and advisable business be conducted during this time and that notice had been received by each Board Member. Thereupon, President Barry Rakes announced that legal notice had been given and a quorum was present so that the meeting was legally and lawfully ready to transact business. The Minutes from the April 13, 2016 Board Meetings were approved without corrections and, or additions, by Scott Sackman seconded by Lance Kalfell. All in Favor. Motion Carried FINANCIAL REPORT: Pat Davis presented current budget figures which included payroll and expenditures for May to all Board members for their review. A list of invoices to be paid was submitted and forms for the Prairie County Treasurer to transfer funds in the amount of $48,682.61, to cover payroll and invoices were signed. May 15th estimated payroll: $10,522.28; May estimated invoices $27,483.26; May 31st estimated payroll: $10,677.07. Investment transfer was also signed to invest the remaining monthly District No. 2 cash balances in the amount of $351,306.00 with Prairie County Pool. On a motion made by Scott Sackman and seconded by Lance Kalfell the treasurer’s report was approved. All in Favor. Motion Carried. Pat informed the members present that they had received funds for the claim submitted to insurance, minus the required deductible, to replace the culvert in the Shirley Division that drained water under the highway that was damaged from burning this year. Mrs. Davis informed the Board that she had received notice from their dental insurance carrier that there would not be an increase in premium for the next year. Pat Davis also informed the Board that she had spoken with Scott Aspenlieder of Performance Engineering and Consulting. Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2 will submit a grant application into the DNRC for the Shirley Main Canal Lining Project again this year. A few changes were made to the application in hopes of a better chance for funding. Pat informed all members present that the annual audit, performed by Strom & Associates, will begin on Monday, May 16, at the District No. 2 office. MANAGER’S REPORT: Tim Kortum presented the Managers report to all members of the Board. He stated that one Fallon Relift pump is having problems. They have pulled it once and found a grease line that had become lodged in the pump. They reinstalled the pump after they made repairs, but it still will not keep running. They will pull the pump again for repairs as soon as the first water is done for the area producers. The Variable Frequency Drive at the Shirley Pumping Plant had a few problems on start up this year, but Allen Gierke called the manufacturer and is now running smoothly with no other problems. The Terry pumps seem to be running smoothly. K & S Electric has completed a lot of work on the District No. 2 pumping plants this Spring. Bill Fleckenstein is going out on the ditch with Jason Smith to teach him the Fallon Division layout and irrigation practices for District 2. Mr. Kortum spoke with the members of the Board about adding or subtracting acres to the District. Tim stated that he has looked into Mr. McAullay's land and informed the Board that he could not isolate any acres that could be subtracted without guaranteeing that those acres subtracted would not receive Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2 water. Tim also approached the Board with the information that he has compiled on Mr. Keltner's land. He stated that he had found documents that showed the land in question had received second water in the past. Tim informed the members present that he had talked with Steve Davies, of the Bureau of Reclamation, and that he had indicated that the decision to add or subtract acres would be a District No. 2 Board decision, as long as the acres are within the boundaries of the District. The Board discussed at length the process that would be implemented and what they agreed needed to be done before any decisions would be made. Tim Kortum informed the members present that they had received notification from Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad (BNSF) that they will be construction a new siding in the Shirley Division. The new siding is designed to be placed over the Lateral 3.2 pipeline. Tim and Pat have corresponded with Ken Shurtleff of Cinnibar Construction who will be in charge of the development of the new railroad siding. Pat and Tim have emailed Mr. Shurtleff the contract between the Bureau of Reclamation and the railroad, along with depths of the pipeline. The engineer for the project has concerns with the pipeline that now runs through the existing syphon, and the depth of the pipeline. Tim has determined that the depth should not be an issue, but he does plan to meet with an attorney concerning the proposed relocation that BNSF wants the District to do, and other dealings that the District has with BNSF. Tim also spoke with the members of the Board about the fish screens at the Shirley Pumping Plant. He had spoken with Steve Davies, B.O.R., and George Jordan, U.S.F.W.S., and they agreed that they will meet at some point to discuss a feasible way to use fish screens within the District. The meeting was adjourned on a motion by Lance Kalfell, seconded by Scott Sackman. All in Favor. Motion Carried. ATTESTED: ________________________________ ____________________________________ Tim Kortum, Secretary Barry Rakes, President


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