Of the
Of the
Terry, Montana
MAY 13, 2015
Before the meeting could be called to order, the following nominations, elections and appointments needed to be made:
The meeting was then turned over to Scott Sackman who declared nominations open for President of the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2. Barry Rakes was nominated by Lance Kalfell. Lance Kalfell made a motion that all nominations cease, and a unanimous ballot be cast for Barry Rakes.
A unanimous ballot was cast for Barry Rakes, and it was,
RESOLVED, that Barry Rakes be and he hereby is elected and appointed to the position of President of the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2, to hold office until the twelfth regular meeting to be held in May of 2016 and/or until his successor is elected and qualified.
Nominations were open for Vice President of the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2 with Scott Sackman being nominated by Lance Kalfell. Lance Kalfell made a motion that all nominations cease, and a unanimous ballot be cast for Scott Sackman.
A unanimous ballot was cast for Scott Sackman, and it was,
RESOLVED, that Scott Sackman be and he is hereby elected to the position of Vice President of the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2, to hold office until the twelfth regular meeting to be held in May of 2016 and/or until his successor is elected and qualified.
Nominations were open for Secretary of the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2 with Tim Kortum being nominated by Scott Sackman. Scott Sackman made a motion that all nominations cease, and a unanimous ballot be cast for Tim Kortum.
A unanimous ballot was cast for Tim Kortum, and it was,
RESOLVED, that Tim Kortum be and he is hereby elected to the position of Secretary of the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2, to hold office until the twelfth regular meeting to be held in May of 2016 and/or until his successor is elected and qualified.
Mr. Kortum accepts his position.
Nominations were open for Treasurer of the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No.2 with Pat Davis being nominated by Lance Kalfell. Lance Kalfell made a motion that all nominations cease, and a unanimous ballot be cast for Pat Davis.
A unanimous ballot was cast for Pat Davis, and it was,
RESOLVED, that Pat Davis be and she is hereby elected to the position of Treasurer of the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2, to hold office until the twelfth regular meeting to be held in May of 2016 and/or until his successor is elected and qualified.
Mrs. Davis accepts her position.
Nominations and appointments were open for Commissioner of Terry Division of the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No.2 with Scott Sackman being nominated and appointed by Barry Rakes. Barry Rakes made a motion that all nominations cease, and a unanimous ballot be cast for Scott Sackman. Mr. Scott Sack man’s commission was uncontested by any other opponent for the three year term.
A unanimous ballot was cast for Scott Sackman, and it was,
RESOLVED, that Scott Sackman be and he is hereby elected and appointed to the position of Commissioner of Terry Division of the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2, to hold office until the twelfth regular meeting to be held in May of 2016 and/or until his successor is elected and qualified.
Scott holds the title as Commissioner of Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2, Terry division.
All nominations being made and accepted, the First Regular Meeting of the Members of the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No.2, at Terry, Prairie County, Montana, was held on the thirteenth day of May, 2015, at 7:00 p.m.
The First Regular Meeting of the members of the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2 at Terry, Prairie County, Montana, was held on the thirteenth day of May, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.
There were present and participating at the meeting:
Barry Rakes
Lance Kalfell
Scott Sackman
Also present and participating were: Raymond Strasheim, Tim Kortum Secretary;
Pat Davis, Treasurer.
President Barry Rakes called the meeting to order, stating that all necessary and advisable business be conducted during this time and that notice had been received by each Board Member.
Thereupon, President Barry Rakes announced that legal notice had been given and a quorum was present so that the meeting was legally and lawfully ready to transact business.
The Minutes and Resolutions from the April 14, 23, and 27, 2014 Board Meetings were approved without corrections and, or additions, by Lance Kalfell seconded by Scott Sackman.
All in Favor. Motion Carried.
Pat Davis presented current budget figures which included payroll and expenditures for May to all Board members for their review. A list of invoices to be paid was submitted and forms for the Prairie County Treasurer to transfer funds in the amount of $51,888.15, to cover payroll and invoices were signed. May 15th estimated payroll: $13,073.90; May estimated invoices check number 22801 through 22845: $26,676.22; May 31st estimated payroll: $12,138.03. Investment transfer was also signed to invest the remaining monthly District No. 2 cash balances in the amount of $470,781.00 with Prairie County Pool. On a motion made by Lance Kalfell and seconded by Scott Sackman the treasurer’s report was approved. All in Favor. Motion Carried.
Pat stated to all present that she had traveled to Billings for a meeting with Entre Technologies to determine how best to proceed with the updates required for the Databases that are used for Assessment reporting and water usage calculations. It was determined that the updates would have to wait until the end of the current water season. She will pursue a technology grant through the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation for funding to complete the updates needed.
Pat informed the members of the Board that she had spoken with Mr. Scott Aspenlieder of Performance Engineering and would help them compile a Water Conservation Plan with a list of proposed projects for the upcoming years that would help to continue to promote water conservation in the District.
Pat Davis related to all members of the Board that she had spoken with Mark Beatty of the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) concerning the water rights of the District. He informed Pat of the options available to them to continue with the process of inclusion for District No. 2. Pat and Tim Kortum will continue to look into the issue further and determine the best course of action and report back to the Board.
Pat presented to the Board of Commissioners the Title Insurance Owners Policy and Documentation that has been recorded in the offices of the Prairie County Clerk and Recorder, Original Warranty Deed for Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 1 to grant Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2 the following property
Lot 1 of Prairie County Cooperative Grazing District Subdivision Plat No. 05-63 filed on
November 21, 2005 as Document No. 119597, record of Prairie County, Montana.
Pat informed the District No. 2 Board that she had received notice that there would not be an increase in Dental Insurance from Assurant for the upcoming year.
Pat Davis relayed to all members present that she had spoken with George Jordan of USFWS concerning the installation of the Variable Frequency Drive at the Shirley Pumping Plant and that he would like to have a visit when the project is completed and up and running. He also mentioned to Pat that he would like to enter into a Safe Harbor Agreement with either District No. 2 or the land owners of Shirley Division to alleviate any future liability for threatening an endangered species in the future. This can be accomplished due to Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2 being proactive with the installation of the Fish Screens at the Shirley Pump Station. He will look into the agreement further and contact the office in the future for further action.
Mr. Ray Strasheim and Tim Kortum notified the members of the District No. 2 Board that the District received an email from Dick Sheetz of the NRCS concerning a Regional Conservation Partnership Program between the District and NRCS. Tim informed the Board that he will visit with Mr. Sheetz and discuss the program and report back to the Board.
Mr. Tim Kortum informed the Board that the Fallon River Pumps were started on April 30th. The modifications were completed for the bypass valve at the Fallon Relift Pumping Plant and are performing well. A motor at the Fallon River Plant needed to be sent to Prairie Mountain Electric to be worked on short notice due to overheating. The District does have a spare that could be used if needed. Bill Fleckenstein is the ditch rider for the Fallon Division until Allen Gierke has the available time to take over the duties full time.
Tim reported that the Terry pumps were started on May 1st. They have had a few problems with the motors shutting off, but have since alleviated the problem. Bill Tusler is the ditch rider for the Terry Division until Allen Gierke has the available time to take over the duties full time.
Mr. Kortum stated that the Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) is installed at the Shirley Pumping Plant. The installation occurred on May 4th through the 7th. Watertronics, along with Mangen Electric and other electricians employed by Watertronics, were able to finish the hook up and testing of the VFD. All pertinent employees of Buffalo Rapids District No. 2, and Board members, were present for training of the VFD operating system. Tim Kortum also informed the members of the Board that they will need to hire a diver to reconnect a lube line that had become detached and damaged on the 1st pump. David Larsen has offered to dive and perform the subsequent repairs needed.
Tim stated that the Shirley Fish Screens are scheduled to be installed on May 21, 2015. A diver has been scheduled to arrive and clean the intake of debris in the morning, and the crane is due to begin install later in the morning. Tim informed the Board and that the plant will be shut down for a short amount of time for the installation. He has also informed the ditch rider to notify all producers in the Division of the shut down for installation.
Tim Kortum spoke with the Board about the need to construct new walkways in the pumping plants. He stated that this can be completed within the down time that the employees have within the year.
Mr. Kortum spoke with the members of the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2 Board about the need of extra employees part time and full time. He stated that with the age of the current employees and the retired employees coming back seasonally, it would be in the best interest of the District. He stated that he can see that Mr. Gierke is quite overloaded with all of his duties, and it could possibly come to the point of necessity for another full time employee to be added. The Board agreed with Mr. Kortum.
Mr. Raymond Strasheim informed the Board he will be on an even more extended medical leave from Buffalo Rapids District No. 2.
The meeting was adjourned on a motion by Scott Sackman, seconded by Lance Kalfell. All in Favor. Motion Carried.
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Raymond Strasheim, Secretary Barry Rakes, President
MINUTES Of the MEETING OF THE COMMISSIONERS Of the BUFFALO RAPIDS IRRIGATION DISTRICT NO. 2 Terry, Montana September 13, 2023 The Fifth Regular Meeting of the members of the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2 at Terry, Prairie County, Montana, was held on the Thirteenth day of September, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. There were present and participating at the meeting: Barry Rakes Lance Kalfell Jackson Dion Also present and participating were: Tim Kortum, Secretary, Jessica Schott, Treasurer, as well as Jack Huber and Elton Stickel of Fallon Sewer District. President Barry Rakes called the meeting to order at 6:55 p.m., stating that all necessary and advisable business be conducted during this time and that notice had been received by each Board Member. ...