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June 13, 2011 District No. 2 Meeting Minutes

Of the
Of the
Terry, Montana

JUNE 13, 2011

The Second Regular Meeting of the members of the Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2 at Terry, Prairie County, Montana, was held on the thirteenth day of June, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.

There were present and participating at the meeting:

Barry Rakes
Scott Sackman
Lance Kalfell

Also present and participating were: Raymond Strasheim, Secretary,
Pat Davis, Treasurer.

President Rakes called the meeting to order, stating that all necessary and advisable business be conducted during this time and that notice had been received by each Board Member.

Thereupon, President Rakes announced that legal notice had been given and a quorum was present so that the meeting was legally and lawfully ready to transact business.

The Minutes from the May 10, 2011 Board Meeting were approved with corrections and, or additions, by Scott Sackman seconded by Lance Kalfell.
All in Favor. Motion Carried


Pat Davis presented current budget figures which included payroll and expenditures for June. A list of invoices to be paid was submitted and forms for the Prairie County Treasurer to transfer funds in the amount of $45,771.90, to cover payroll and invoices were signed. June 15th estimated payroll: $8,814.35; June estimated invoices: $28,143.20; June 30th estimated payroll: $8,814.35. Investment transfer was also signed to invest the remaining monthly District No. 2 cash balances in the amount of $203,707.00 with Prairie County Pool at Stockman Bank. On a motion made by Lance Kalfell, and seconded by Scott Sackman the treasurer’s report was approved.
Pat informed the Board that the District had received fund for the Shirley Fish Screen Project grant from the Department of Natural Resources for the amount of $14,030.00, to be deposited on June 14, 2011. The Department of Natural Resources did release funding due to extenuating circumstances to the Shirley Fish Screen Project.

Pat relayed to the Board that the District received assessments in June for the amount of $113,023.00 from Prairie County and Custer County.

The Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2 By-Laws were approved without correction and, or additions, on a motion made by Lance Kalfell seconded by Scott Sackman.

The Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2 Policy and Procedure were approved without correction and, or additions, on a motion made by Scott Sackman seconded by Lance Kalfell.

The Buffalo Rapids Irrigation District No. 2 Employee Handbook were approved without correction and, or additions, on a motion made by Lance Kalfell seconded by Scott Sackman.

The Operating year for 2012 assessments was reviewed. After much discussion and consideration the amounts for reserve accounts was changed to allow for payment of heavy equipment. The amount per acre will remain unchanged at $40.00 per acre.

REPAY A=$1.00

Scott Sackman made a motioned to accept the 2012 assessments, seconded by Lance Kalfell.

All in Favor
Motion Carried


To have the $40.00 per acre for the Operating year 2012 assessments for Buffalo Rapids District No. 2 remain unchanged.

The 2011 water overage was discussed; it was decided the rate would remain unchanged for the overage fee of $14.00 per acre foot. Scott Sackman made a motioned to accept the 2011 water overage fee, seconded by Lance Kalfell.

All in Favor
Motion Carried


2011 water overage for Buffalo Rapids District No. 2 will be a fee of $14.00 per acre foot.


Ray Strasheim spoke with the Board about a phone call he received from Mr. Scott Aspenlieder, of WWC Engineering. Ray asked the Board if they would like Mr. Aspenlieder to seek funding from the Department of Natural Resources for projects such as discharge lines or additional funding for the Shirley Fish Screen Project. After much discussion the Board agreed that they would like to continue with improvements on the project that are needed, and to have Mr. Aspenlieder write proposals for funding of those projects. Ray stated that he would give Scott Aspenlieder a call and inform him of the Boards decision and speak with him about the different funding that may be available.

Ray spoke with Dave Pratt from the N.R.C.S. office and he stated that it should not be a problem to receive an extension for the Shirley Fish Screen Project.

Ray informed the Board that they did not receive any Emergency Grant funding from the Department of Natural Resources due to the fact that the District is still capable of pumping water with the damage incurred form the ice jams and flooding this spring.

Ray also informed the Board that he has still not heard from the Bureau of Reclamation concerning the engineering needed to further the Shirley Fish Screen Project.

Ray stated the Bill Tusler has been working on the Shirley canal. The canal suffered sloughing of the banks of the canal from the heavy rains this spring.

Ray spoke with the Board that there is a considerable amount of silt and sand bars in front of the pumping plants. The Board and Ray discussed options that may be used to fix the problem.

Ray informed the Board that the employees have been burning ditches and around turnouts when the weather permits. Allen Gierke and Bruce Lantis have moved the water lube pump at the Terry Pumping Plant to the top floor so it will no longer get flooded.

Ray Strasheim and the Board of District No. 2 discussed the issue of increasing water rights for the District. The Board could not foresee a reasonable cause to increase the allotment of water per acre.
Shirley Fish Screen Project:

Ray stated that they had filed an extension with the Department of Natural Resources since the screens will not be installed by the June 30th deadline due to extenuating circumstances of weather since last water season.

Union Negotiating Committee:

Barry Rakes and Ray Strasheim met with the Union and the employees on June 1st and discussed the contract for 2012. Issues that were up for discussion were health insurance and wages for fiscal year 2012. The employees and the committee both agreed to remain with the same insurance provider. The employees asked for an increase of five percent in wages for 2012. The members of the Board discussed the issues and it was decided that the committee would not meet again until October of 2011 to discuss the issues further.

The meeting was adjourned on a motion by Lance Kalfell, seconded by Scott Sackman. All in Favor. Motion Carried


________________________________ ____________________________________
Raymond Strasheim, Secretary Barry Rakes, President


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