of the
of the
Terry, Montana
March 30, 2010
The Special Meeting of the members of the Buffalo Rapids Project Board of Control, at Terry, Prairie County, Montana, was held on the Thirtieth day of March, 2010, at 7:00 p.m.
There were present and participating at the meeting:
Ray Roethle
Scott Sackman
Lance Kalfell
Barry Rakes
James Whitmer
Ric Holden
Also present and participating were Pat Davis; Assistant Secretary, Dale Hellman; Hellman Insurance, Victor Dienes, Bryan Robson, Rennee Mueller, Don Rau, Al Ekblad and Bill Lingerfelt; Union Representatives.
President Ray Roethle called the meeting to order, stating that all necessary and advisable business be conducted during this time and that notice had been received by each Board Member.
Thereupon, President Roethle announced that legal notice had been given and a quorum was present so that the meeting was legally and lawfully ready to transact business.
Dale Hellman stated that the titles to the vehicles are in different names and asked if the Board would be in agreement if Ray Roethle would have the ability to sign for Board of Control, District I and District II. Lance Kalfell made a motion to give permission for Ray Roethle to sign all vehicle titles that are titled under Board of Control, District I or District II, seconded by James Whitmer.
All in Favor
Motion Carried
To allow Ray Roethle to sign vehicle titles titled under the name Buffalo Rapids Board of Control or under District I or under District II.
Scott Sackman motioned to have Ray Strasheim as authorized signer for District II, seconded by Lance Kalfell.
All in Favor
Motion Carried
Bill Lingerfelt stated that he and Al met with employees. Bill stated that Tim Kortum needs direction from one person and Tim will direct his crew. Bill also stated that two Districts need to determine what job positions are available. Barry Rakes stated that all three managers get together and talk about what needs to be done and who needs to speak with Tim. Bill stated that more than one employee is getting pulled in different directions. Bill Lingerfelt stated that the Union needs to know what the two Districts needs are for employment.
Ric Holden presented to the Board a handout for District I Labor Request proposal.
Immediate need:
1. Four employees
a. Job duties, multiple, know how or willing to learn the following as outlined on the Collective Bargaining Petition dated Sept. 8th 2009.
Ditch Riding, Welding, Machine shop work, Equipment operation
2. Ability of employee to report to work at Glendive Facility in near future.
3. Report to project managers of District I, Don Buxbaum & Larry Heimbuch
4. Possess personal transportation to work
5. Employee benefits to remain the same “as is” until collective bargaining is reached.
6. Employee understands “Memorandum of Understanding” between Union Local 400 & BR Board of Control
a. District I will negotiate a collective bargain agreement separately from District 2 and the MOU financial stress provisions may apply
Bill Lingerfelt questioned if the employees will be seasonal or full time. Ric Holden stated that they would only work through the summer possibly. Ric also stated that they District I wants to be up front with the employees and the Union with the handout. Barry Rakes stated that District II will have five full time and three seasonal employees. The members discussed about job sharing with District I. The members also discussed where the employees would be working possibly by seniority or where they have always worked. Bill Lingerfelt stated that the employees would like to stay where they are working and seniority would be the governing factor in employment. The members were in discussion on job placement of employees.
The Board members discussed machine shop agreement. It was decided that the wages for the machine shop employees will be paid out of Boards of Control until split, all members were in agreement. Lance Kalfell and other District II discussed that District I will have their pumps put in by the machine shop even if it is after the split.
All the documents were signed for machine shop and equipment.
Don Buxbaum stated that he talked with Jeff Morrison, Don stated that Jeff would be able to complete 2.9 for approximately $40,000.00 using Buffalo Rapids trencher and he would provide fuel and may need a little extra help. The members discussed finishing the 2.9 pipeline. Ray Roethle motioned to hire Jeff Morrison of Advance Well Service to finish trenching and installing dog legs for Lateral 2.9, seconded by James Whitmer.
All in Favor
Motion Carried
To hire Jeff Morrison of Advance Well Service for work on Lateral 2.9.
District I discussed employee positions. James Whitmer expressed that they need continuity of employment for their District. Bryan Robson and Don Rau discussed with the Board that part time seasonal probably won’t work and getting green employees with less knowledge won’t work. The members discussed whether to make position full time or seasonal and how many employees to make full time, possibly have three full time and one part time. The full time position would be guaranteed 2080 hours per year-tentatively. Comp time was also discussed.
Next regular scheduled meeting will be held on April 14, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
There being no further business to be considered, and no objection, the said meeting of the Commissioners of the Buffalo Rapids Project Board of Control adjourned.
________________________________ ____________________________________
Pat Davis, Assistant Secretary Ray Roethle, President
of the
of the
Terry, Montana
March 30, 2010
The Special Meeting of the members of the Buffalo Rapids Project Board of Control, at Terry, Prairie County, Montana, was held on the Thirtieth day of March, 2010, at 7:00 p.m.
There were present and participating at the meeting:
Ray Roethle
Scott Sackman
Lance Kalfell
Barry Rakes
James Whitmer
Ric Holden
Also present and participating were Pat Davis; Assistant Secretary, Dale Hellman; Hellman Insurance, Victor Dienes, Bryan Robson, Rennee Mueller, Don Rau, Al Ekblad and Bill Lingerfelt; Union Representatives.
President Ray Roethle called the meeting to order, stating that all necessary and advisable business be conducted during this time and that notice had been received by each Board Member.
Thereupon, President Roethle announced that legal notice had been given and a quorum was present so that the meeting was legally and lawfully ready to transact business.
Dale Hellman stated that the titles to the vehicles are in different names and asked if the Board would be in agreement if Ray Roethle would have the ability to sign for Board of Control, District I and District II. Lance Kalfell made a motion to give permission for Ray Roethle to sign all vehicle titles that are titled under Board of Control, District I or District II, seconded by James Whitmer.
All in Favor
Motion Carried
To allow Ray Roethle to sign vehicle titles titled under the name Buffalo Rapids Board of Control or under District I or under District II.
Scott Sackman motioned to have Ray Strasheim as authorized signer for District II, seconded by Lance Kalfell.
All in Favor
Motion Carried
Bill Lingerfelt stated that he and Al met with employees. Bill stated that Tim Kortum needs direction from one person and Tim will direct his crew. Bill also stated that two Districts need to determine what job positions are available. Barry Rakes stated that all three managers get together and talk about what needs to be done and who needs to speak with Tim. Bill stated that more than one employee is getting pulled in different directions. Bill Lingerfelt stated that the Union needs to know what the two Districts needs are for employment.
Ric Holden presented to the Board a handout for District I Labor Request proposal.
Immediate need:
1. Four employees
a. Job duties, multiple, know how or willing to learn the following as outlined on the Collective Bargaining Petition dated Sept. 8th 2009.
Ditch Riding, Welding, Machine shop work, Equipment operation
2. Ability of employee to report to work at Glendive Facility in near future.
3. Report to project managers of District I, Don Buxbaum & Larry Heimbuch
4. Possess personal transportation to work
5. Employee benefits to remain the same “as is” until collective bargaining is reached.
6. Employee understands “Memorandum of Understanding” between Union Local 400 & BR Board of Control
a. District I will negotiate a collective bargain agreement separately from District 2 and the MOU financial stress provisions may apply
Bill Lingerfelt questioned if the employees will be seasonal or full time. Ric Holden stated that they would only work through the summer possibly. Ric also stated that they District I wants to be up front with the employees and the Union with the handout. Barry Rakes stated that District II will have five full time and three seasonal employees. The members discussed about job sharing with District I. The members also discussed where the employees would be working possibly by seniority or where they have always worked. Bill Lingerfelt stated that the employees would like to stay where they are working and seniority would be the governing factor in employment. The members were in discussion on job placement of employees.
The Board members discussed machine shop agreement. It was decided that the wages for the machine shop employees will be paid out of Boards of Control until split, all members were in agreement. Lance Kalfell and other District II discussed that District I will have their pumps put in by the machine shop even if it is after the split.
All the documents were signed for machine shop and equipment.
Don Buxbaum stated that he talked with Jeff Morrison, Don stated that Jeff would be able to complete 2.9 for approximately $40,000.00 using Buffalo Rapids trencher and he would provide fuel and may need a little extra help. The members discussed finishing the 2.9 pipeline. Ray Roethle motioned to hire Jeff Morrison of Advance Well Service to finish trenching and installing dog legs for Lateral 2.9, seconded by James Whitmer.
All in Favor
Motion Carried
To hire Jeff Morrison of Advance Well Service for work on Lateral 2.9.
District I discussed employee positions. James Whitmer expressed that they need continuity of employment for their District. Bryan Robson and Don Rau discussed with the Board that part time seasonal probably won’t work and getting green employees with less knowledge won’t work. The members discussed whether to make position full time or seasonal and how many employees to make full time, possibly have three full time and one part time. The full time position would be guaranteed 2080 hours per year-tentatively. Comp time was also discussed.
Next regular scheduled meeting will be held on April 14, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
There being no further business to be considered, and no objection, the said meeting of the Commissioners of the Buffalo Rapids Project Board of Control adjourned.
________________________________ ____________________________________
Pat Davis, Assistant Secretary Ray Roethle, President