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November 12 Board Meeting Minutes

of the
of the
Terry, Montana

November 12, 2008

The Seventh Regular Meeting of the members of the Buffalo Rapids Project Board of Control, at Terry, Prairie County, Montana, was held on the Twelfth day of November, 2008, at 1:30p.m.

There were present and participating at the meeting:

Ray Roethle
Jim Finneman
Clark Cameron
James Whitmer
Raymond Strasheim
Barry Rakes

Also present and participating were David Schwarz, Secretary, and Pat Davis, Assistant Secretary. Mr. Allen Gierke and Mr. Bill Fleckenstein were present to represent the employees of Buffalo Rapids Project. Mr. Lance Kalfell was present for the presentation from Nicole Mikko Causby, the VISTA volunteer for Buffalo Rapids.

President Roethle called the meeting to order, stating that all necessary and advisable business be conducted during this time and that notice had been received by each Board Member.

Thereupon, President Roethle announced that legal notice had been given and a quorum was present so that the meeting was legally and lawfully ready to transact business.

The Minutes from the October 14, 2008 meeting were approved with correction. Resolutions were approved without corrections.

Ms. Nicole Mikko-Causby, with the VISTA AmeriCorps, was present to speak with the Board about the projects that she is currently working on for Buffalo Rapids. She offered a short presentation of the Buffalo Rapids website that she is in the process of building for the Project.


Pat Davis presented current budget figures which included payroll and expenditures for November. A list of invoices to be paid was submitted and forms for the Prairie County Treasurer to transfer funds to cover payroll and invoices were signed. S.T.I.P. investment transfers were also signed to invest the remaining monthly District I and District II cash balances.

James Whitmer made a motion, seconded by Ray Roethle, to approve the Treasurer’s report and the transfer of $44,258.09 for District I. Ray Strasheim made a motion, seconded by Jim Finneman, that the Treasurer’s report and the transfer of $31,373.36 for District II be approved. Motions carried.

Pat presented to the Board a list of this year’s water overages, and it was decided that all overage charges were to be billed in full. Overage prices, for per foot of water used over the allotted amount, was discussed for the 2009 operating year. It will be decided at the June meeting in 2009 if there should be an increase in the amount charged for overage. Dave informed the Board that the Bureau of Reclamation would like to see a substantial increase in the amount charged for overage.

Pat Davis presented to the Board a copy of the 2008 water overages incurred. On a motion made by Jim James Whitmer and seconded by Ray Roethle for District I, and on a motion made by Ray Strasheim and seconded by Barry Rakes it was

RESOLVED: That the Water Overages for the 2008 water season be billed in full, for $9.60 per acre foot for District I, and $9.80 per acre foot for District II.

Motion carried.

Pat Davis presented to the Board a copy of proposed amounts for Christmas Bonuses for the year 2008. After some discussion, and recommendations from Allen Gierke and Bill Fleckenstein, on behalf of the employees of Buffalo Rapids Project, it was decided to distribute proposed bonuses to employees. On a motion made by Ray Strasheim and seconded by Barry Rakes, it was

RESOLVED: That the Christmas bonuses be distributed at the proposed amount.

Motion carried.

Pat Davis also asked for the Board’s opinion on the subject of the Buffalo Rapid’s Christmas party. It was decided that there would not be a Christmas party sponsored by the Project this year.


Dave reported to the Board that the Shirley Pumping plant is still dry docked for the Fish Screening Project. The engineers are working on the designs for the screens. They will need to pour cement to repair the apron before the next water season. Buffalo Rapids will receive $15,000.00 from the Bureau of Reclamation, and $15,000.00 from Department of Natural Resources for the engineering portion of the project.

The crew is working on the Getz pipeline project. The pipeline should be completed by the end of the week if weather permits. They will then go on to work on the Whitmer pipeline, and then the Martinson pipeline. Tim Kortum, Dave Schwarz, and the crew have shot more E.C.C. cement for the canal lining project. The project worked well until the shotcrete machine broke down. They will try again with a rented shotcrete machine if the weather holds.

Allen Gierke reported that the machine shop has pulled all pumps. The number 3 valve in Glendive I Pumping Plant looks good, the guides are in good shape, along with the gate. They will roll the shaft and then look at the controller. Allen informed them that they were also tearing apart the Terry pump that was switched from a grease lube to a water lube.

Dave informed the Board that Dr. Gregor Fischer and Dr. Mike Lepech were at Buffalo Rapids the first week in November to pour some ballistic E.C.C. forms. Dr. Fischer and Dr. Lepech will pay Buffalo Rapids for all costs incurred, and for shop and employee time.

Dave reported to the Board that he hopes to repair the siphon at Crackerbox this fall. The floor is completely gone up to the siphon on the exit side, and the rebar is exposed on the sides.

Jim Finneman passed around for the Board’s review pictures of a portion of the canal in his division that needs repair. Dave informed them that it will have to be lined eventually.

Ray Roethle asked the Boards if the winter meeting could be held at 3:00 pm instead of 1:30 pm. The members agreed on the new meeting time.

Next meeting will be held on December 10, at 3:00p.m.

There being no further business to be considered, and no objection, the said meeting of the Commissioners of the Buffalo Rapids Project Board of Control adjourned.


________________________________ ____________________________________
David J. Schwarz, Secretary Ray Roethle, President


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